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Intro to Baptiste Power Yoga - with master teacher Alice Riccardi
Intro to Baptiste Power Yoga: The Practices and Techniques of Baptiste Power Yoga “The purpose of Baptiste Yoga is to awaken and...
Undirstöður í Baptiste Power Yoga
Vinnustofa í Undirstöðum Baptiste Power Yoga (Foundations of Flow) Undirstöður í Baptiste Power Yoga 1 & 2. Laugardaginn 25. janúar...
Yin Yoga og Kirtan Veisla í Kertaljósi
Gefðu þér þessa stund til að upplifa kyrrðina og vellíðanina sem fylgir Yin Yoga og Kirtan hugleiðslu í góðum félagsskap og kertaljósi....
40 Days to Personal Revolution - Námskeið
Hvað er “40 Days to Personal Revolution?" This revolutionary program developed by Baron Baptiste will take you on a 40-day journey to...
Mindful Eating - Holiday edition / with Mike Murdoch
The Holiday season is fast approaching, with celebration comes an endless stream of tempting treats. Instead of resigning to weeks of...
Arm Balancing 101 with Mike Murdoch
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU Arm balances can be challenging, but also a very rewarding part of any yoga practice. They build strength, promote...
Jóganámskeið fyrir Karlmenn - Framhald
Vegna fjölda fyrirspurna höfum við ákveðið að bjóða upp á framhaldsnámskeið í jóga fyrir karlmenn. Námskeiðið er sniðið að þeim sem eru...
Undirstöður í Baptiste Power Yoga
Vinnustofa í Undirstöðum Baptiste Power Yoga (Foundations of Flow) Undirstöður í Baptiste Power Yoga 1 & 2. Þessi vinnustofa er fyrir...
Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Deepen your understanding of the Yin Yoga Experience
Yin Yoga supports and strengthens the Yin aspects of the body (connective tissue, ligaments and tendons) as well as enhancing and...
Yoga Teacher Think Tank - Tools to Support and Inspire Yoga Teachers
What happens to yoga trainees once they become yoga teachers after graduating? Where do we go to learn more, grow more and understand how...
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