Allow me to introduce ourselves...

Sturlaugur Halldórsson
Yoga teacher
Place of birth: Reykjavík.
My favorite yoga pose: Crow, Bakasana.
The pose I have a complicated relationship with: Wheel, Urdhva Dhanurasana – The Wheel
Favorite yoga quote: The work you do on the mat facilitates your whole life- Baron Baptiste
When I was little I wanted to be: Writer/Bookseller
Which song can I put on repeat: The Man Who Sold The World – David Bowie
Yoga gives me: Courage and strength.
When I teach I feel: That everything is possible and that I have something to give.
When I practice yoga: Then I give everything I have and hold nothing back.
True: Taylor Swift and I share the same birthday.
Training: 200 RYT Certification - Iceland Power Yoga, 2019. Industrial management from HR, 1999.
Alice is a 500 Hour Certified Baptiste Power Vinyasa Teacher as well as an Established Registered Yoga Alliance teacher (E-RYT). She is a Certified Yin Yoga teacher as well as a leader of Yoga Nidra and a certified Alexander Technique Teacher. Alice has led and co-led 200 Hour Yoga teacher trainings in Maine, Washington, DC, and in Reykjavik, Iceland.
She has been an assistant to Baron Baptiste, assisting bootcamps, teacher trainings and weekend workshops. Alice co-owned her own studio, Portland Power Yoga, for 8 years with her husband, Charles Terhune; the first heated Baptiste Power Yoga studio in Portland, Maine. Since selling her studio in 2014, she has led teacher trainings in Maine, DC and Iceland. She continues to teach daily classes at Crisp, an innovative space in Scarborough Maine that offers spinning, bootcamp and yoga as well as their signature FUSION class that combines two modalities in a one hour time frame.
Alice has been teaching yoga for 26 years. She has been a student of yoga for 28 years and is currently training with her mentor Coeli Marsh. She acknowledges Baron Baptiste and the Journey into Power sequence as the spark that lit the fire of her transformation and fuels her ongoing commitment to living life outside the comfort zone.
Inga Hrönn Kristjánsdóttir
Alice Riccardi
Yoga teacher and owner
Guest teacher
Place of birth: Oslo, Norway
My favorite yoga pose: Tadasana - The Mountain
The position I have a complicated relationship with: Parvritta Utkatasana - Twisted Chair
Favorite Yoga Quote:If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done - Baron Baptiste
When I was little I wanted to be:an actress or an astronaut
Which song can I put on repeat: Run the world with Beyonce
Yoga gives me: Patience, peace of mind and a big SMILE
When I teach I feel: Like I'm in the right place in life
When I practice yoga: I feel infinite gratitude
True: I love stand-up and have done stand-up myself more than once
Training:200 RYT Certification - Down Dog Yoga Washington DC 2014. Yin Yoga Teacher Training DC 2015. Level 1 and 2 NY Baptiste Institute 2016 - 2017. Art of Assisting - Baptiste Institute NJ 2016. Advanced Art of Assisting NJ 2018, Level 3 Baptiste Institute California 2019, 750 hour Certified Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga teacher. 2 Year Fit to Lead training with Baron Baptiste April 2022. 1200 hour Baptiste Yoga Influencer. B. Sc, in Business Administration from HA 2003.

Gunnar S. Magnússon
Halla Lárusdóttir
Einar Vignir Einarsson
Yoga teacher
Yoga teacher
Yoga teacher and owner
Place of birth: Reykjavík, Iceland
My favorite yoga pose: Half Moon
The position I have a complicated relationship with: Inverted triangle
Favorite yoga quote: Yoga is a light, that once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame" – BKS Iyengar
When I was little I wanted to be: A massage therapist
What song can I put on repeat: Through the Wire by Kanye West
Yoga gives me: Joy and purpose
When I teach I feel: As if time stands still
When I practice yoga: I experience growth.
True: I'm more of an art history geek.
Training: 200 RYT Certification - Iceland Power Yoga, 2020.200 RYT Certification - Baptiste Yoga Fort Myers, 2022. Level One, Journey Into Power Baptiste Institute 2020.

Ísabella Sól Gunnarsdóttir
Yoga teacher
Place of birth: Reykjavik, Iceland
My favorite yoga pose: lightning - utkatasana
The position I have a complicated relationship with: Dancer - Natarajasana
Favorite Yoga Quote: Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can. - Michael A. Singer
When I was little I wanted to be:Scientist and dolphin breeder.
Which song can I put on repeat:Empire State of Mind with Jay Z and Alicia Keys.
Yoga gives me:power, happiness and joy.
When I teach:I feel love and affection towards those around me as well as life.
When I practice yoga:I feel that I am the driver in my life and I decide how I live my life.
True:I still have to learn to play the flute but the following I learned early and really enjoy it; walking with everything I need on my back, sleeping on the ground, peeing outside in the peat, being in a place where you can't take a shower, therefore bathing in a cold waterfall...
Training: 200 RYT Certification - Iceland Power Yoga 2020. Level 1 - Baptiste Institute 2021
Place of birth: Reykjavík
My favorite yoga pose: The Crow - Bakasana
The position I have a complicated relationship with: The half-pigeon on the right
Favorite Yoga Quote: “Breath is the king of mind” BKS Iyengar
When I was little I wanted to be: When I was little I wanted to be: An actress and work in a flower shop when I wasn't acting
Which song can I put on repeat: Just give me a reason (Pink) and Love Yourself (Justin Bieber)
Yoga gives me: Mental and physical strength, vitality and joy
When I practice yoga: I get into my own body, I feel physical well-being and spiritual cleansing.
True:I embarrassingly like going on roller coasters!!
200 RYT Certification Baptiste power yoga - Iceland 2020
YIN YOGA Teacher Qualification 2020- Alice Riccardi
I AM YOGA NIDRA Teacher Qualification 2021
Art of Assisting 2021 Nursing B.Sc. and Diploma in Midwifery from UI

Place of birth: Reykjavík
My favorite yoga pose: Headstand/Sirsasana
The position I have a complicated relationship with:The half-pigeon
Favorite yoga quote: "Try Easy" -Baron Baptiste
When I was little I wanted to be:Professional football player
Which song can I put on repeat:Suspicious Minds with Elvis Presley
Yoga gives me: Physical and mental power I have never known before.
When I teach I feel: as I get the chance to give my students the same as I have received from my teachers through Baptiste Power Yoga
When I practice yoga: Then I clear my mind and do yoga and nothing else, which is extremely refreshing
True: It has happened that I act on a whim and take the song with the king
200 RYT Certification - Iceland Power Yoga, 2019
MSc in Political Economy from the London School of Economics (2004)
BA in International Relations from Gonzaga University (2002)
Certified financial advisor from HR (2005)
Landmark Forum (2019)

Siggi Bjarnason
Guðrún Selma
Yoga teacher
Place of birth: Reykjavík
My favorite yoga position: Twisted chair
The pose I have a complicated relationship with: Camel pose
Favorite yoga quote: Don´t practice yoga to get better at yoga; practice yoga to get better at living
When I was little I wanted to be: A PE teacher
Which song can I put on repeat: Thank you by Dikta
Yoga gives me: vitality, joy and peace of mind
When I teach I feel: like I can give back some of what yoga has given me.
When I practice yoga: I feel like I'm part of a great community
True: I'm an awful lot of lobster :)
Training: 200 RYT Certification - Iceland Power Yoga 2021
Fæðingarstaður: Akranes
Uppáhalds jógastaðan mín: Dansari
Staðan sem ég á flókið samband við: Camel pose og flip dog
Uppáhalds jógatilvitnun: „Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees“. B.K.S. IYENGAR
Þegar ég var lítil vildi ég verða: rithöfundur eða forseti
Hvaða lag get ég sett á repeat: All that she wants með Ace of base.
Jóga gefur mér: aðgang að endalausum uppgötvunum um sjálfa mig – bæði í tengslum við æfinguna á dýnunni og í lífinu sjálfu.
Þegar ég kenni: upplifi ég þakklæti og möguleika að gefa áfram það sem Baptiste Power Yoga hefur gefið mér.
Þegar að ég æfi jóga: finn ég fyrir lífsorku, núveru og frelsi
Satt: ég elska að taka orminn
200 RYT Certification – Iceland Power Yoga 2022
Art of assisting - Iceland Power Yoga 2023