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Intro to Baptiste Power Yoga - with master teacher Alice Riccardi

Intro to Baptiste Power Yoga: The Practices and Techniques of Baptiste Power Yoga “The purpose of Baptiste Yoga is to awaken and empower human beings to live life fully in wholeness and potencia (full potential) as a moment to moment phenomenon”. There is more to Baptiste Yoga than the practice of the Journey Into Power sequence! The physical practice is just one component of what Baptiste Power Yoga has to offer and so... In this workshop, we will investigate:

  1. Physical (Asana): Journey Into Power sequences as an access to vitality, power and freedom.

  2. Meditation: (Dhyana): As an access to getting present and awakening.

  3. Inquiry (Niyama): As an access to discovery & new possibility.

In our total of 3 hours together, you will experience a vigorous and PHYSICAL (Asana) practice as an access to your greater strength and increased mental focus. With this as the foundation, we will explore various aspects of MEDITATION (Dhyana) and how meditation “works” to support our experience of being awake and present to ourselves AND to others.

Moving further into our investigation, we will explore the INQUIRY (Niyama) process through group conversation, sharing in pairs and journaling. We will touch upon how our “stories” can either help OR hinder our personal growth and even our ultimate satisfaction in life itself.

Upon completion of this workshop, you will have a greater understanding of how these practices and techniques help us to uncover obstacles that impede our capacity for personal growth and our ability to adapt AND change. As we become present to a new way of “being”, we experience TRANSFORMATION and how to live life from ongoing POSSIBILITY rather than a fixed STORY. We are up to something “bigger than ourselves” and are empowered and awakened to live at our fullest potential each and every day! Vinnustofunni verður skipt í tvö kvöld: Þriðjudag 25. febrúar og fimmtudag 27. febrúar - bæði skiptin kl. 19:30 - 21:00 Verð: 9.900 kr. Skráning HÉR (Korthafar: 7.900 kr. Skráning HÉR) Skráning á eða smella á Tickets - linkinn í þessum event.

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