On August 16, Baron Baptiste himself came to us and taught the very first time in our hall, inaugurating the hall with an exceptionally rewarding energy. We want to thank all of you who came and created the energy with us. Together we did our best and supported a good cause. We can do amazing things together!
Master class with Baron Baptiste
What does it mean to be up to something bigger than yourself?
Við erum svo spennt að kynna fyrir ykkur hinn eina sanna og heimsfræga jógakennara Baron Baptiste sem ætlar að kenna í fyrsta skiptið_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_in Iceland in our new hall inHoltasmára 1, 201 Kópavogur!
Baron hefur í áratugi þróað kraftmikla, óhefðbunda og auðskiljanlega nálgun á jóga sem heitir Baptiste aðferðafræðin og er áhrifamikil nálgun sem leiðir til stórkostlegra umbreytinga í viðhorfi og students' lives.
Limited space!Don't wait and miss this opportunity! Sign up by sending mail to inga@icelandpoweryoga.is
Sendum you then a payment link to confirm registration.
Let the best of us lead together.
* ATTENTION! The changing facilities and showers are still a work in progress for us. We thank the students for their patience.
All our proceeds go to the Africa Yoga Project
We are so happy and blessed to have Baron Baptiste teaching the very first class in our studio space! He will be presenting his Journey into Power sequence, a sequence that is intentional in its physicality and allows us to be up to something bigger in our lives.
Join us for this donation based class and experience the intention of JIP that will leave you in your greatness!
All our proceeds go to the Africa Yoga Project
When:August 16 at 17:30 - 19:30
Grant/price: ISK 5000
All our proceeds go to the Africa Yoga Project
Check out the great work of the Africa Yoga Project here: